Bike Shaggies

What are Bike Shaggies?

Bike Shaggies are comfortable and fun covers for your bike pedals to make riding your bike barefoot finally bearable.

As surfers, we love ripping around the beach, but you always have to bring shoes to hop on your bike. We created them so you don’t have to stuff your sandy wet feet in shoes or bring a backpack with sandals for a quick ride to the water. Riding barefoot with your feet on soft carpet blowing in the wind is a true feeling of freedom.

Price w/ taxes and shipping in the US: $25.00

bike shaggies hanging
bike shaggies on pedal


bike shaggies carpet
bike shaggies bent
bike shaggies velcro
on bike
how to use gif
all pedals
team pose
mock up
team handstand

Place your order – Be a Barefoot Baddie!

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